As Christmas looms over her city, Jamora and a small group of rebels set out to overthrow the brutal Adjudicator who rules with an iron fist and brings death to his citizens each Christmas.
A collection of ‘what if’ stories inspired by the Terminator cinematic universe.
A dream date. Or a nightmare?
A mysterious artefact. A wealthy owner. An exclusive viewing. But some things in the unviverse are best left unseen.
Alone in a strange environment. Abandoned by its family. Hunted by the alien creatures that surround it. Knowing nothing but the desire to survive and continue. This is Alien, retold.
Imitations of Life
Can a science experiment really be the origin of a terrifying intergalactic horror. Of course it can!
Sports Day
Sports Day. The chance for every child to do their best. Perhaps, even, survive.
The Feast Of Christmas
Santa Claus is coming to town. But will anyone survive?
It’s the end of the world as we know it; the political elite are safe in their bunker but everyone is far from fine. This is a story about someone who was probably a Very Bad President.
Mr. Farroway’s Cakes
An elderly man brings gifts to his neighbours on All Hallow’s Eve, but what is the true cost of one of Mr. Farroway’s cakes?